Chakra stones are thought to realign energy centers and help one feel more balanced physically and emotionally. They’re often used in combination with yoga, meditation and other forms of wellness practices.

Chrysoprase is an energy healing crystal known for encouraging love and devotion in relationships as well as increasing self-love and kindness.

Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz is an incredible crystal that can unblock, energise and balance all seven chakras simultaneously. Often referred to as the “master healer”, Clear Quartz gemstone is known for amplifying intentions, manifesting dreams into reality and turning them into reality. Being associated with the sun, Clear Quartz also promotes clarity and focus for its users.

Clear Quartz can be an effective tool in emotional healing as it promotes positive feelings and fosters self-love. It makes an ideal crystal for use during mindfulness meditation sessions and may also aid lucid dreaming at night when placed beneath your pillow at night. Clear Quartz pairs well with other herbs like Frankincense which deepen spiritual connections and increase intuition while being cleansed regularly using Sage, Cedar or Palo Santo to release any negative energy that it has absorbed.


Citrine is one of the most beloved crystals, as its rich colors symbolize abundance and optimism. Citrine can bring wealth into your life while healing any emotional blocks that hinder personal development.

As part of its relationship to Solar Plexus and Sacral Chakras, it may also help foster healthy relationships, stimulate immunity and improve circulation. And it may amplify positive self-thoughts to foster feelings of empowerment.

Citrine crystals are popular choices when expanding businesses or undertaking major projects as they’re believed to increase energy levels and help overcome any obstacles that stand in their way. Citrine can also bring wealth, bring clarity, boost self-confidence, foster happy marriages and cleanse one’s aura; therefore it should be cleansed regularly.


Carnelian can restore spiritual connection between body and spirit and strengthen willpower and spiritual growth. Additionally, this gemstone may assist with issues around lower chakras including sexual desire or fertility issues.

This vibrant energy stone is believed to foster self-assurance and passion in those who wear or hold it, helping them face life’s obstacles with courage and determination.

Carnelian is known to encourage creativity and boost energy levels, making it an excellent stone for artists, builders or anyone seeking to expand their imagination. According to Askinosie’s research, carnelian pairs well with crystals that stimulate sacral chakra. When creating vision boards use carnelian with angel aura quartz, pyrite, or tiger’s eye for maximum impact.


Moonstone is an extremely relaxing stone known for its associations to both lunar cycles and feminine energy. It has long been used to regulate hormones and ease menstrual symptoms in women. Furthermore, moonstone serves as an effective relationship balancing agent promoting sensuality within relationships.

Healers often seek moonstone with a blue sheen to represent feminine energy and fertility, making this gemstone an effective means of helping pregnant women conceive. This gemstone may even serve as an aid for labor.

Moonstone can increase intuition and help you see new possibilities and solutions in life. Lapis Lazuli provides complementary emotional clarity benefits; together these stones can assist with uncovering deep inner truths while aiding you through challenging periods in your life with ease.


Chalcedony is an incredible balancer, helping people turn self-doubt into confidence while soothing big emotional patterns such as fear, frustration, anger, anxiety or rising panic. It helps you identify when it is best to remain silent vs when speaking up is necessary.

Chalcedony is said to support the Throat Chakra by encouraging communication and self-expression, helping with digestive issues, as well as aiding labor by relieving pain during delivery of the baby.

There are various varieties of chalcedony that have distinct healing properties. Chrysoprase, a green variety, is thought to encourage emotional wellbeing while Moss Agate with its landscape-inspired inclusions is associated with growth, abundance and nature-inspired connection. Wear a piece of custom jewelry made of Chrysoprase before giving a speech or engaging in difficult dialogue; its energy will infuse your voice with truth, power and respectability.