A smudging prayer is a ritual prayer used in the practice of smudging, which is a spiritual practice commonly associated with Indigenous cultures. Smudging is the act of burning sacred herbs, such as sage or cedar, and using the smoke to purify and cleanse a space or person. The practice of smudging is believed to have spiritual and medicinal benefits, and has been used for centuries as a way to connect with the divine and promote healing.

A smudging prayer is a way to focus the mind and set intentions while performing the smudging ritual. The prayer is typically recited either silently or aloud, and is used to call upon the spirits, ancestors, or deities that are believed to assist in the cleansing and purifying process.

There is no one “right” way to perform a smudging prayer, as the specific wording and format may vary depending on the individual and their tradition. However, there are some common elements that are often included in a smudging prayer.

Gratitude: Many smudging prayers begin with a expression of gratitude for the opportunity to connect with the divine and for the gifts of the earth, such as the sacred herbs that are being used in the ritual.

Protection: Smudging is often used as a way to protect oneself from negative energy or entities. As such, many smudging prayers include a request for protection from harm and a call to the spirits or ancestors to offer their protection.

Intentions: Setting intentions is a key element of smudging, as it helps to focus the mind and direct the energy of the ritual. Many smudging prayers include statements of intention, such as a desire to promote healing, clarity, or peace.

Connection: Smudging is also a way to connect with the divine and to seek guidance and support. Many smudging prayers include a call to the spirits, ancestors, or deities to offer their wisdom and guidance during the ritual.

Some examples of smudging prayers include:

“Great Spirit, I ask that you cleanse this space with your divine light. Protect us from all harm and negativity, and fill this space with your love and blessings. May we be surrounded by your wisdom and guidance as we seek to connect with the divine. Aho.”

“Sacred sage, I call upon your healing energy to cleanse and purify this space. May your smoke remove all negative energy and fill this space with peace and tranquility. With each breath, may we be filled with your wisdom and strength. Aho.”

“Ancestors, I call upon your wisdom and guidance as I perform this sacred ritual. May your spirits be present to guide and protect us, and may your love and blessings fill this space. May our intentions be clear and our hearts open to receive your wisdom. Aho.”

In conclusion, a smudging prayer is a ritual prayer used in the practice of smudging to set intentions, focus the mind, and call upon the spirits or deities for guidance and support. While the specific wording and format of a smudging prayer may vary, the elements of gratitude, protection, intentions, and connection are commonly included. Smudging is a deeply spiritual practice that has been used for centuries, and smudging prayers are an important part of this tradition.