Smudging is an ancient spiritual practice in which herbs are burned to clear away negative energy from individuals, spaces, and objects. Smudging has long been used as an aid to mood enhancement and relaxation.

Smudging kits provide everything needed for beginners to begin smudging. Most kits contain an instruction manual, blessing guide, assorted smudging sticks and an abalone shell to hold them all.

1. White Sage

White Sage is traditionally used to purify oneself and home from negative energy, including negative vibes, cleanse and purify objects, clear the air of toxins, and heal ailments.

Smudging requires opening windows for fresh air in order to facilitate the release of negative energy, and setting your intention before beginning; whether that means discharging negative energy, welcoming in new beginnings or even getting ready for meditation or yoga practice.

This kit includes a miniature white sage smudging stick, Palo Santo wood and small abalone shell; making it the ideal combination to start your smudging ritual.

2. Blue Sage

Sage smudging is an ancient cleansing ritual used to expel negativity from any environment and welcome positivity in. Sage’s medicinal qualities help reduce stress and anxiety while increasing mental clarity.

Blue Sage resembles White Sage but has a lighter and more refreshing aroma. This herb can be used in money spells and prosperity rituals to attract abundance.

Once lit, fan the smoke to purify an area. Many practitioners recommend working clockwise around your home and paying special attention to closets and dark spaces when performing this ritual.

3. Palo Santo

Palo Santo, also known as Holy Wood, can act like sage to clear negative energy and attract good fortune. Additionally, its high amounts of limonene may offer potential cancer prevention properties.

Just light a stick of Palo Santo and hold at about 45 degree angle until smoke rises, then blow out the fire. Waft the smoke around a room, paying particular attention to corners & windows.

Combining the water energy of an Abalone Shell with the purifying power of White Sage and sacred wood of Palo Santo, this smudging set is ideal for purifying your space, meditating, relieving stress and connecting to higher self.

4. Cedar

Cedar is known to help create an environment of positivity, clarity and stability in any space it occupies. As such, it is frequently utilized in house blessing ceremonies in order to welcome in positive influences while shielding it from negative energies that might threaten its inhabitants.

Smudging is the practice of purifying people or spaces by burning herbs to create a medicinal smoke bath, purging out bacteria and harmful toxins from the air. Studies have proven its efficacy at purifying environments.

This kit from Ecuador features sacred wands crafted of white sage and Palo Santo, along with quick-light charcoal tablet, abalone shell, and feathers to direct smoke flow. Perfect as a present to anyone needing extra energy.

5. Sweetgrass

Smudging can help remove harmful bacteria and toxins from the air while dispelling negative energy from people, places, and things. Smudging also has the power to enhance mood, increase clarity and promote healing.

This Smudging kit includes white sage, palo santo and sweetgrass to safely burn in an abalone shell while you smudge. Also included are instructions and ceremony suggestions.

Smudging can be an amazing gesture of love for yourself or another. It’s easy and effortless – perfect for clearing away negativity from spaces, people or bodies alike – while simultaneously calling upon your ancestors and spiritual team for blessings and wisdom.

6. Abalone Shell

Abalone Shells make beautiful vessels for holding sage bundles/smudge sticks when clearing your space, and bring in water elements which can help soothe and heal. Abalone is said to contain protective properties as well as emotional balance energies that may bring balance to their surroundings.

Sage is known to encourage feelings of love, compassion and peace while symbolizing Mother Earth. Additionally it serves as a handy bowl to collect falling ashes and embers. Be wary when burning sage or herbs unattended as this can create fire hazards; make sure it remains in a safe location until complete before extinguishing it when finished.