Crystals can help soothe anxiety or increase productivity.

These crystals offer the power of healing through Clear Quartz’s masterful healing properties and Selenite’s ethereal energies – perfect companions for increasing clarity and focus in life! By keeping one or both around, these stones can sharpen your abilities and bring more awareness into everyday situations.


Crystal kingdom gems provide mental clarity and sharpen concentration. By harnessing these gems’ help, you can develop laser-sharp focus and unwavering attention.

Black Onyx is an invaluable stone when you want to strengthen your sense of self, be authentic in who you are, and find that balance between task-oriented thinking and creative pursuit. Additionally, this gemstone can help ground you while increasing physical resilience.

Clear Quartz crystal is an icy white beauty, amplifying mindfulness and providing clarity. This crystal is the ideal companion for meditation or just holding tight when needing to find your center and purpose again.


Sodalite (named for its sodium content) is known as the Stone of Insight, stimulating deep thinking and deep intuition. It enhances clarity of thought and knowledge retention, making it an excellent addition to your workspace or desk. Sodalite also works to diffuse awkward vibes during meetings while encouraging tact, calm and composure during discussions with others.

Sagittarius zodiac sign individuals (who tend to be honest and impulsive by nature) will find this crystal beneficial as it helps them be more tactful when speaking their truth, and can balance energy so they’re present during interactions. Furthermore, this crystal may help soothe throat or larynx issues like hoarseness.

Sodalite’s soothing energy makes it an excellent addition to any meditation space, helping quiet the mind and connect with spiritual aspects of your self. Furthermore, sodalite promotes sensuality and emotional healing within intimate relationships as well as open communication and healthy boundaries in relationships.


Citrine is an eye-catching translucent yellow crystal that exudes positivity and joy. Dubbed the “success stone”, citrine is said to bring abundance, prosperity and mental clarity – helping one feel more certain of their feelings, fighting depression while increasing self-confidence and increasing one’s sense of certainty about yourself.

These practices stimulate and open both Solar Plexus and Sacral Chakras, channeling personal power, creativity, and intelligent decisiveness into physical reality. Furthermore, these practices cleanse the aura by absorbing and dissipating negative energy.

Clear Quartz, Fluorite, Amethyst and Tiger’s Eye crystals can all help increase focus. Use them in meditation, carry them with you or place them around the workplace or home to maintain unwavering concentration and laser-like focus. Make sure to cleanse these crystals regularly using either smudging or placing under moonlight to keep their energies potency potency active – pair these stones up with any of these others for even greater effectiveness!


Clear quartz crystal is one of the premier crystals for clarity as its powerful vibration amplifies energy and thought, helping boost productivity, clear thinking, and focus. Use it while working or for meditation purposes for maximum effect.

Black Tourmaline is one of our top crystals for clarity, as it helps clear away negative energies while providing a strong grounding effect to make you feel safe, calm and clear headed. Black Tourmaline can also help when faced with too much information or when trying to address complex problems differently.

Sunstone, Pudding Stone (an assortment of minerals), and Blue Calcite are also excellent tools to aid clarity, with their soothing energy offering comforting support for increased focus. In addition, these crystals can also help connect to intuition and boost inspiration.