Crystals have become an increasingly popular trend not just as stylish home decor pieces but as tools for self-care, stress relief, mindfulness, healing and goal achievement. Additionally, many believe crystals possess magical properties which may aid healing or assist with setting and reaching their goals.

Add crystals to your collection or simply learn more by subscribing to one of these subscription boxes for crystals!

Reasons to Sign Up for a Crystal Subscription Box

People have long used crystals as tools to help them achieve their goals, heal from injuries, and stay grounded. If you want to explore this amazing material further, a crystal subscription box could be an ideal way to do just that!

These boxes typically include an assortment of crystals and natural elements to diversify your collection and deepen spiritual practice. Some boxes even provide monthly feature crystals designed to promote clarity or unlock potential.

Enchanted Crystal’s subscription box is carefully curated by professionals with decades of experience and an interest in crystal and mineral world. Each box comes with one featured crystal from around the globe and also contains an informative insert detailing its metaphysical properties and historical relevance.

Crystals Can Help You Achieve Your Goals

Crystals can help to bolster your efforts towards the goals that you’ve set for yourself in two ways. First, they serve as visual reminders of what it is you are working towards and can keep you on track. Alternatively, crystals could serve as motivation to reach for what’s most important to you and keep you focused.

Crystal grids may also prove useful when working towards career success or trying to attract wealth into your life.

Subscription boxes of crystals make an amazing present for yourself or those who appreciate their power, whether beginners or experts alike. Each one offers something specific suited for different uses – perfect for everyone from novice collectors to advanced enthusiasts!

They Can Help You Manage Your Energy Levels

Integrating crystals into your routine can help keep you calm, focused, and productive. Keep a carnelian on your desk to boost stamina or take it with you to the gym to motivate during that last set or mile of exercise.

Subscription boxes like this one provide the ideal way to take your spiritual journey further. Their seller carefully selects gemstones and items such as cleansing sage for optimal energy exchange – ideal for furthering spiritual awakening!

Build your crystal collection and expand your knowledge of each gemstone with this box. The shop owner works with miners, cutters and stonemasons around the world to find only the highest-grade gemstones – then sends these tumbled gems out as subscribers with detailed information sheets for their use.

They Can Help You Stay Grounded

Crystals can provide relief if you feel overwhelmed and scattered, helping your body connect with mother earth and stay centered emotionally, physically, and spiritually. They may also assist in maintaining overall balance.

One effective way to ground yourself is with grounding crystals like smoky quartz or hematite. Place them around your home, or carry a small tumbled stone in your pocket as a reminder that we all belong here on Earth.

Subscription boxes like this one provide everything needed for meditation and staying centered, including gemstones, sage, and self-care products. Ideal for beginners seeking to simplify their spiritual journey. Prices begin at $16 monthly with longer plans offering discounts.

They Can Help You De-Stress

If you are feeling overwhelmed or anxious, crystals can provide a way to reduce stress. According to The Crystal Fix, crystals emit energy which interacts with our own and balances out biofield.

Stacey Bout, a Kinesiologist, often recommends placing crystals on acupressure points and chakras to help clients unwind from stress. She suggests amethyst or black tourmaline stones for their protective abilities against electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs). They’re said to protect the body against their detrimental effects.

If you’re new to crystals for meditation and self-care, check out this subscription box that provides everything necessary. From crystal towers and incense to spa amenities – everything’s included to get you going.