No matter your level of crystal knowledge or interest, these books and guides can expand it. From chakra cleansing to moon manifesting, discover ways that crystals can add extra sparkle and dimension to everyday life.

With this illustrated guide of over 100 stones and minerals, quickly identify their power with this illustrated guide of crystals and stones. Complete with a directory and information on their healing properties, it provides an indispensable resource for crystal enthusiasts.

The Book of Stones

This handy pocket reference offers an alphabetical tour through the mineral kingdom with easy-to-understand information about 455 crystals, minerals and gemstones. It provides scientific properties, history and lore information about each stone as well as elemental energies, chakra correspondences and which stones work best together.

This guide also features a section on crystals designed specifically to assist newcomers to working with crystals. Each entry serves as a “Who’s Who” for each stone, providing key data as well as character sketches to help readers make an intimate connection with them.

This revised edition includes 76 new entries. Suitable for beginners as well as more experienced stone practitioners, its presentation is straightforward enough for newcomers while its level of detail and research make it an invaluable resource. Each entry provides summaries on spiritual, emotional and physical healing properties of specific stones along with affirmations exercises to invoke them for maximum potential benefit. Unlike traditional crystal books this one avoids shamanism, alchemy and other forms of metaphysical lore that could put some readers off.

The Essential Guide to Crystals

Crystals aren’t just Instagram-worthy decor: They’re powerful tools for improving health and wellbeing. This beautifully illustrated book makes selecting and using the ideal stones easy, whether your goal is relaxation, energisation, reducing stress or manifesting abundance.

This essential handbook will introduce you to 160 easily procured crystals, their healing powers and how you can use them to improve all aspects of life — mental, physical, emotional and spiritual. Each stone is clearly identified with name, color, chakra number, element name, zodiac sign number numerology information divinatory meaning as well as mental emotional physical benefits for easy reference.

The author also offers advice for charging and cleansing crystals, and creating healing grids to dispel negative energy. This book serves as an essential reference for crystal lovers and healers.

The Crystal Healer

Crystals are thought to have healing properties that can help strengthen both your mood and immune system, infusing positive energy while banishing any disease-inducing ones. While alternative therapies might take the place of medical treatment altogether, crystals instead complement it to promote overall wellbeing.

Some people believe that different crystals possess specific qualities based on their color; amethyst for protection or citrine for abundance are often thought of as representative examples, while rose quartz for love or smoky topaz for courage are believed to help balance emotional and physical bodies simultaneously.

Philip Permutt provides an accessible introduction to crystal healing with this best-selling book. Drawing from an array of 250 new crystals ranging in colors and healing properties, he suggests how you can use them to soothe emotional issues or alleviate physical symptoms. Furthermore, there are tips on programming, charging and cleansing them too.

The Beginner’s Guide to Crystals

Crystal healing has emerged as one of the hottest trends for mind, body, and spiritual wellness, offering powerful methods for personal transformation and spiritual advancement. Written as an introduction to crystal healing practices for beginners, this comprehensive guide serves as an indispensable starting point.

This guide covers all the fundamentals of crystals, from their physical characteristics such as lattice systems and Moh hardness scales to energetic concepts such as entrainment, frequency and vibration – as well as using crystals for self-care or ritual practices. Furthermore, this book features profiles and meanings for 100 stones every crystal lover should know as well as tips on acquiring and curating an extensive crystal collection.

This book also explores how to choose the ideal crystal for you, from rose quartz – known for promoting self-love and connection with divine feminine energy – to black tourmaline which helps release negative emotions and recharge aura. This makes this an essential resource for anyone interested in crystals or gemstone healing.