Many believe that various crystals possess healing properties. Crystals are used to allegedly alleviate emotional and physical ailments.

Crystals may help in treating some psychological conditions, however there is no scientific proof to show they possess healing powers. Furthermore, crystals should not replace medical care when dealing with anxiety or depression issues.


Chrysocolla is an extremely soothing and balancing stone that connects the heart chakra with throat chakra, promoting open and honest communication while dispelling harmful feelings such as anger or guilt.

Chrysocolla can also help overcome fear and boost confidence. Furthermore, Chrysocolla provides calmness and clarity during times of change.

Physically, Chrysocolla can strengthen immunity and regulate blood pressure. Additionally, it is said to assist with alleviating PMS symptoms such as menstrual cramping, lower fevers and accelerate healing from burns; and ease carpal tunnel syndrome and ease carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms. Chrysocolla is associated with the Water Element and used to purify and cleanse spaces – popular among hermits and monks who use Chrysocolla stone therapy during extended periods of isolation.


Charoite is an excellent stone of transformation, healing both mind and body in equal measures. It promotes courage to pursue our life’s ambitions with confidence and inner strength; helping transform fears into confidence.

Agate encourages forgiveness, helping us recognize that love is greater than the pain of rejection or loss. Agate also improves mental health by encouraging clear thinking and improving concentration abilities; additionally it balances your heart chakra while increasing intuitive abilities.

Charoite can help promote an increased connection to higher consciousness, creating feelings of unity and oneness with the universe. It is often included in crystal grids or layouts to aid personal growth, spiritual expansion and manifesting intentions. Regular cleansing with warm water or exposure to direct sunlight for short amounts of time should suffice to recharge charoite stones.


Due to its high iron content, Hematite is an invaluable stone for managing blood flow issues. It has been shown to increase kidney function, circulation and reduce anemia symptoms while helping with issues like anemia and blood pressure. Furthermore, Hematite helps alleviate leg cramps while improving sleep quality.

Hematite can help protect your home from negative energies while providing a sense of calming stability. Placing some at each entrance or corner can serve as an excellent protection device.

Hematite can be worn as jewelry to remain focused and grounded throughout your day, whether that means wearing bracelets, necklaces or earrings or keeping small pieces in your bag or desk to stay focused and focused.

Red Coral

Red coral (Moonga) is revered for both its astrological benefits and healing properties, and for being associated with Mars. Believed to help increase energy, vitality, courage and strength of will – as well as physical endurance – red coral is often chosen by athletes seeking an edge against fatigue or endurance sports performance.

Red Coral is commonly believed to enhance love and romance by stimulating passion and desire, increasing confidence, assertiveness, as well as protecting against malevolent energies.

Mango stones are an invaluable gem for those facing obstacles in their career or facing financial strain. In particular, it can assist those with Mars in the first, fourth, seventh, or twelfth houses as well as those suffering from Mangal Dosha in their horoscope.

Dalmatian Jasper

Leopard Skin Jasper (commonly referred to as Dalmatian Jasper) is an engaging stone, known for bringing joy into our lives in childlike ways. It encourages individuals to be themselves and recognizes that individuality is something this world needs more of. Furthermore, this variety of Jasper can improve intimacy while strengthening loyal and devoted relationships within relationships.

Counseling works to calm your emotions and maintain control in emotionally charged situations. It teaches you to think before reacting, helping prevent the chance that something may later regrettable will be said or done.

Dalmatian Jasper can also help relieve feelings of fatigue and boredom by reconnecting you to your playful side and reminding you it’s okay to enjoy life’s simple pleasures.