Proponents of crystal therapy claim that crystals can help heal both mental and physical conditions. According to them, crystals transmit and direct energy while simultaneously balancing out yin yang energies while dispelling negative ones.

At a crystal healing session, a therapist may place crystals directly onto and around their client. A crystal’s lattice structure rather than its size or form determines its healing properties and healing benefits.


Hematite is an extremely grounding stone that helps you remain calm when life becomes hectic. Additionally, Hematite aids logical thinking on issues and prevents you from getting “stressed out”.

Archaic cultures used amulets as healing devices, helping alleviate physical ailments like headaches, fevers and broken bones. Wearing one allows one to connect with their ancestors and spiritual guides.

Hematite can help strengthen memory and sharpen focus by leaving it outdoors on sunny days or during full moon, or holding it to recharge its energy and protect from negative energies. Hematite has even been used as an aid for concentration. For those needing strong mental focus for work.

Clear Quartz

This bright icy crystal is the ultimate source of energy. It brings clarity and positivity into your life while providing emotional healing by dispelling energetic blocks and encouraging positive feelings such as love, peace and compassion.

Clear Quartz can be an invaluable spiritual development aid. It encourages self-reflection and personal spiritual growth while connecting you to your higher power.

Clear quartz crystal is known to amplify the power of other crystals, making it an excellent way to manifest intentions and goals. Try placing some near your bed while sleeping to encourage lucid dreaming or use it during mindfulness meditation sessions – you could even program clear quartz with your intentions and communicate directly with it as its memory makes sure it can hear everything clearly!


With its warm golden hues and healing properties, citrine is a crystal that is both beautiful and highly valued for its healing benefits. Citrine symbolizes abundance and prosperity while providing clarity, confidence and joy for its owners.

Solar Plexus Chakra’s vibrant yellow energy works to awaken and open, activating and opening this key chakra which directs personal power and creativity towards manifestation in all areas of life. Furthermore, it has been found to increase concentration while stimulating wisdom.

This crystal is said to bring wealth and good fortune, making it a popular choice among entrepreneurs or those seeking success in their endeavors. Its vibrant energy promotes positive outlooks in difficult situations; helping us see light even during times when it seems impossible. Furthermore, its soothing energy eases sadness while instilling more joyous feelings of self-worth. Its beneficial energy may even aid depression sufferers.

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz has long been recognized for its healing powers and emotional support, revered across civilizations for its beauty, elegance and emotional support. Rose Quartz stimulates the heart chakra while providing a loving energy which dispels fears and resentments from your body.

Rose Quartz is an effective natural healer, used to soothe burns and reduce blistering when massaged gently against the skin. Furthermore, its benefits also extend to circulation issues – helping lower blood pressure while strengthening heart muscle.

Also an excellent sleep aid, lavender crystal is said to promote vivid dreams for both adults and children – helping with nightmares or night terrors if necessary. Furthermore, its delicate properties foster empathy, making this crystal an excellent choice for mothers or those grieving the loss of a child.


Selenite is an extremely sought-after crystal among alternative healers and spiritual enthusiasts, believed to help clear negative energy, cleanse auras, promote mental clarity, and increase awareness and consciousness.

Some believe that taking selenite can reverse free radical damage to cells and help sustain their health, as well as regulate hormonal balance and promote overall physical harmony.

Selenite can be used as an aid in meditation to connect with higher guides or incorporated into crystal grids and home decor to foster a peaceful and harmonious atmosphere. Due to its amplifying abilities, selenite amplifies the energies of other crystals and stones making it perfect for creating powerful energy instruments like wands or prisms. When cleaning selenite it is recommended that nonmetal brushes should be used to avoid scratching its surface.