High vibration crystals vibrate at a higher frequency, offering greater metaphysical and spiritual healing properties, amplifying your energy, and hastening manifestation processes.

Resonance bending occurs two to three orders of magnitude faster than tip deflection by photothermal effect or photoisomerisation.

Aura Quartz

Aura Quartz crystals are created through an alchemical process in which Clear Quartz is combined with precious metals like Gold, Silver or Platinum and then sealed under pressure in order to produce their distinctive iridescence and vibratory properties. The end product of such processing produces Aura Quartz crystals.

These stunning crystals have long been revered as helping to soothe emotional turmoil. By connecting you to both the Universe and angels, they facilitate tuning into the frequency of your own guardian angel. Angel Aura Quartz crystals may especially benefit those suffering from mood swings by providing a sense of calm and stability.

Aqua Aura Quartz is an emblematic symbol of love and light. Its soothing aqua hue harmonizes with the throat chakra to facilitate communication and spiritual exploration. Some believe Aqua Aura Quartz may help alleviate fears or anxiety while alleviating asthma symptoms; additionally it may assist you in drawing in money or abundance into your life.


Amethyst is one of the best-known healing crystals, recognized for its natural tranquilizing effects and ability to promote mental relaxation and reduce nightmares. Furthermore, Amethyst helps boost immunity while cleansing internal organs of its host body.

Amethyst is a spiritual gemstone known to promote intuition and psychic abilities, protect against negative energy and foster a sense of selflessness and spiritual wisdom. Pisces in particular find amethyst to be an excellent ally due to its divine spirituality, deep empathy and affinity towards spiritual sojourns.

At its origins, this precious gem was prized for its soothing and relaxing qualities during antiquity, serving as a remedy against insomnia and nightmares. Nowadays it serves as an effective stress reliever and is found everywhere from jewelry to home decor items – an indispensable companion in living a peaceful and harmonious life.

Celestial Quartz

These powerful crystals, also known as Skeletal Quartz, Crocodile Quartz or Alligator Quartz, work to clear and heal your third eye chakra – an area which connects to our perception, intuition, spiritual awareness and connection to one another. Healers believe that blockages in this area may result in life momentum slowing down or feeling disconnected spiritually.

These stones can help you connect and communicate with angels. Their calming energy may encourage relaxation and enjoyment of life. Capricorn and Saggitarius people who require some emotional growth should use these stones, especially since they can help them move past grudges and learn forgiveness.

Celestial Quartz comes in many shades and varieties, from light brown Smoky Elestial Quartz to bright yellow natural Citrine Elestial Quartz and even rare blue Elestial Quartz. It is an exquisite crystal that exudes joy and playfulness.


Selenite, also known as Divine Light, is a crystal that draws lunar energy and helps clear your mind. Believed to reconnect the shards of divine light that existed prior to creation of our universe, Selenite allows one to connect to their spiritual self as well as receive guidance from beyond.

Crystal Quartz is an effective crystal for clearing congestion from both physical and etheric bodies, while simultaneously increasing intuition and opening doors to telepathic communication.

Samantha Jayne of Crystal Healers Unlimited states that selenite “is one of the best stones for clearing energy,” and many incorporate it into their energetic and spiritual healing practices like Reiki, breath work, meditation, yoga or cord cutting.

Physically, green selenite has long been used for its physical healing properties, particularly with regards to skeletal issues and skin health. Additionally, its qualities have been said to foster platonic love relationships while bringing clarity. Selenite can also be combined with almost any stone to form highly effective energy tools that provide healing at their core.