Reiki is an energy healing practice that promotes relaxation and well-being, using crystals such as reiki stones to intensify its restorative energy.

Red Jasper, Lapis Lazuli, Rose Quartz and Amethyst are among the finest reiki stones, used to help heal and cleanse clients during sessions. You may place these crystals directly on or around them during sessions to assist with healing and purifying them.

Red Jasper

Red Jasper is widely considered a nurturing stone that helps you connect to and access the strength within. It can protect against electromagnetic fields (EMF), detoxify the body, clear and strengthen root chakra, balance emotions, spark creativity, increase self-confidence and foster positive relationships between people.

Reiki stones may help activate and balance Mars energy, stimulating feelings of courage, motivation and personal power. According to legend, Vikings and warriors enjoyed using these reiki stones during battle to help ground them during combat and give them confidence as they battled with mindfulness for victory.

Quartz crystal is an ideal protective stone during energetic work, as it helps block negativity and electromagnetic smog from coming in contact with you. To care for it properly, cleanse and charge it on an ongoing basis by finding a method that resonates with you – make this part of your crystal care regimen!

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli is a blue metamorphic stone known for its soothing influence that connects mind and heart in order to develop greater truth and awareness. Additionally, Lazuli may help boost immunity against migraine headaches while fighting them off entirely and is said to assist with problems of the throat and thyroid glands.

As well as helping those suffering with feelings of repressed anger or anxiety to express themselves more openly, Reiki stones can also provide powerful tools for those looking to address any inner knowledge blocks that impede speaking your truth freely and with confidence. Being linked with the Throat Chakra encourages self-awareness; making this an excellent reiki stone to connect with their spiritual side while improving communication skills or clearer thought. Furthermore, Reiki stones bring peace and tranquillity into your soul so you can release any negative emotions such as anger or sadness with ease!

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz is widely recognized as a Stone of Unconditional Love, providing a soothing feminine energy of compassion, healing, tenderness, forgiveness and openness to receive love from all sources. It connects directly to the Heart Chakra to dissolve emotional wounds and fears while freeing one of any ego attachments and encouraging openness towards receiving it from all directions.

Crystals can help people attract loving relationships while adding an element of calmness into daily life. Furthermore, crystals can help ease any suffering due to breakup, loss or other traumas; also providing healing from bullying situations.

This stone can help lower blood pressure and act as a natural sedative, soothing the body when feeling stressed or anxious. It’s been shown to ease pregnancy discomfort, relieve swollen ankles and feet, help treat kidney and adrenal issues as well as support any kidney or adrenal conditions. As with all crystals, regular cleansings should take place so as to keep any negative energies at bay; one way is rinsing them under warm water or placing them under moonlight can work wonders in purifying these stones from any potential harming effects.


Amethyst is an excellent natural tranquilizer and stone that helps relax both mind and soul. It reduces irritability and balances mood swings to ease anxiety and fear while stimulating new ideas and strengthening psychic abilities. Furthermore, amethyst can also be used as part of spiritual growth and healing practices, encouraging intuition by connecting to angels.

Amethyst is associated with the Crown chakra and can help open it, providing access to higher states of awareness. Furthermore, amethyst helps foster intuitive clarity as well as increasing psychic powers and clairvoyance.

Amethyst is an excellent protective stone, blocking negative energy from entering one’s space and is great to use during meditation or any time you feel overwhelmed by bad vibes and tension. Regular cleansing with sea salt sprinkling or running water under running is recommended to ensure its positive energy continues flowing into its user. You can cleanse amethyst by placing it in direct sunlight for several hours; other options are to clear it with vocal tones or use vocal tone clearing with other people to ensure its positive vibrations continue radiating outward. To do this you could either sprinkle sea salt over its surface, rinse under running water under running water or place in direct sunlight for several hours; these steps will ensure its continued positive energy flow while being held by its owner ensuring its positive vibrations will continue.