Spiritual healing crystals offer various metaphysical properties and benefits. Hematite helps erase negative feelings while encouraging self-love; rose quartz connects with the heart chakra.

No matter your belief system, crystals can still serve as powerful spiritual aids. Use them alongside mindfulness or meditation practices for an easier journey and healthier mindset.

Atlas Mountain Jasper

Mother Nature has truly amazed us with her masterful artistry! Jasper (a form of chalcedony) displays its natural colors in exquisite designs reminiscent of earthy hues and flowing patterns found throughout its spectrum – hallmarks that can promote emotional wellbeing while providing inner peace and security.

Red jasper is a gemstone with shades ranging from brick red to terra-cotta brown that often incorporates black or grey, which fosters physical strength, energy and endurance while increasing chi. This stone also helps grounding and stability while relieving muscle spasms and regulating blood pressure levels. Furthermore, its memory enhancing qualities help you remember dreams more vividly and allow you to stand up against injustice when necessary.

Yellow jasper is known to foster feelings of happiness and positivity. It balances and stimulates the solar plexus chakra, increasing confidence when dealing with unfamiliar or stressful situations and giving strength when undertaking unpleasant tasks that require courage to overcome difficulties and rectify unfair circumstances. Furthermore, this powerful stone strengthens immunity and eliminates toxins while improving digestion and dispelling body odour.


Blue Apatite is one of the most powerful spiritual healing crystals for activating psychic abilities and awakening psychic potential. It strengthens clairaudience, clairvoyance, and clairsentience abilities while improving past-life recall as well as connecting you to universal meaning and connections. Furthermore, Blue Apatite deepens meditation practices while clearing away mental fogs.

Apatite facilitates honest communication and soothes emotional imbalance by soothing feelings such as frustration, irritability and emotional burnout. Furthermore, Apatite supports healthy appetite regulation as well as stimulating calcium absorption from bones thereby strengthening whole bodies.

Apatite crystals energise the throat chakra, supporting calm communication and social ease while also helping you assert your truths with confidence and claim them with pride. Also referred to as the Stone of Manifestation, Apatite helps you find creative solutions and awaken creative enthusiasm. You can cleanse and charge Apatite using simple visualization techniques or by placing it near other stones such as Selenite or Amethyst for quick energetic cleansing; placing it outside in sunlight for several hours may also work effectively.

Smoky Quartz

Smoky Quartz is known for helping us release fears that keep us back and move past situations that don’t serve your highest good. It is an invaluable stone that reconnects you to Earth energy and anchoring energies while recalibrating root chakra.

Leavy claims that Smoky Quartz is one of the best crystals for helping release anything no longer serving you and moving on; so, if you’re ready to create space for new positive experiences, carry around some Smoky Quartz tumbled stones or wear some moody gemstone jewelry as a symbol.

Smoky Quartz is associated with the root chakra and has an affinity for Scorpio, though its benefits extend across all zodiac signs. Smoky Quartz also can be beneficial in relieving Capricorn’s self-criticism while helping Libra confront and resolve long-held traumas. For optimal use, meditate with one on your nightstand or keep one handy to bring to every activity throughout the day.

Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline is widely recognized to protect and sustain energy fields and promote an inward sense of energetic safety, while simultaneously deepening connection to higher realms, spirit guides and intuition – encouraging spiritual growth, insight and awakening.

Atmospheric filters can be placed in healing environments such as therapy rooms and meditation spaces to create a protective barrier against negativity and maintain an energetically pure space for healing and spiritual practices. Empaths find them particularly effective at protecting them against taking in unwanted energies through empaths, thus protecting themselves against unnecessary exposure to unpleasant experiences.

Black Tourmaline can be activated by infusing it with your intentions. To do so, hold the stone while visualizing your intention being absorbed by its crystal form – this will increase its protective powers while helping break any negative relationships or emotional bonds that need breaking apart. It is recommended to cleanse Black Tourmaline regularly by submerging it in water.