No matter what mood or physical needs need boosting, these expert-approved essential oils for energy can provide just the remedy you need to feel refreshed and revitalized. From morning energy boosts and stress busters to keeping afternoon slump at bay – essential oils can provide everything needed.

Essential oil scents have the ability to directly activate certain areas of the brain, thus elevating mood and increasing energy. Try these stimulating essential oil blends:

1. Lavender

Lavender oil has long been prized for its soothing qualities, as it helps alleviate anxiety and depression. When inhaled, lavender stimulates the brain’s emotional powerhouse to lower stress levels and promote relaxation; furthermore it aids deeper sleep as well as providing anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial benefits – all without increasing headache risk!

Your lavender benefits can be enjoyed either directly from its bottle, applied topically to your skin or diffused via aromatherapy diffuser. Furthermore, lavender can also be added to water to create room sprays, body spritzers, bath soaks or room misters for use around the home or workplace. Some experts also advise adding drops directly into moisturizers or base oils – always check first though to ensure safety!

2. Peppermint

If you’re feeling lethargic, this oil offers an invigorating scent to awaken the senses and promote feelings of alertness. Furthermore, its cooling effect helps ease nerves while simultaneously fighting stress and anxiety.

Peppermint oil inhalation may help combat fatigue during workout sessions – making it the ideal addition to your fitness regimen! One study demonstrated this effect by showing increased oxygen saturation levels, blood pressure levels, heart rate rates and spirometry parameters (Meamarbashi and Rajabi 2013 >).

Add this blend to your diffuser or dilute with carrier oil before applying topically on neck and temples to help combat fatigue. Isabella offers her Clearly ZEAL blend for natural energy boost, or her Clearly FOCUS blend for improved focus and productivity.

3. Lemon

Lemon oil boasts a soothing, sweet citrus aroma that elevates mood and increases energy. Packed with limonene – known for clearing away mental clutter and improving concentration and focus – lemon oil also works to relieve mental exhaustion and stress relief.

Rosewater can soothe many digestive ailments, from flatulence and bloating to restful night’s sleep. Try sprinkling it over your pillow or adding it to a diffuser before bedtime for optimal results.

Aromatic oils like Peppermint and Rosemary make excellent combinations when it comes to stimulating oil blends that give an energy boost, such as lavender. You can use lavender in homemade cleaning products, diffuser blends, massage oils or spritzers.

4. Cedarwood

Cedarwood has long been used by various cultures to soothe both body and mind. Its calming scent reduces harmful stress levels, eases tension, and promotes deep sleep that is restorative and healing.

Like other essential oils, cedarwood oil is extracted from various types of cedar, juniper or cypress trees using carbon dioxide extraction, cold pressing and steam distillation methods. Its main sesquiterpene constituents include b-himachalene and cedrene which both have antispasmodic properties.

Ozone therapy has many physical health benefits, including helping promote cell renewal, protect against mold and fungus growth, and alleviate respiratory infections. Beyond its physical uses, however, ozone can also be used for spiritual purposes like purifying spaces, encouraging community formation and deepening connections on a metaphysical level.

5. Rosemary

Rosemary is an aromatic evergreen herb with a pleasant, stimulating fragrance, making it a versatile culinary and medicinal ingredient since antiquity. Rosemary has long been revered in many cultures as a sign of respect.

Study results demonstrated that subjects who received 15-minute massages using rosemary oil blend experienced a 50 percent reduction in pain within two weeks compared with those without it. Researchers are exploring its anti-spasmodic, analgesic and memory boosting properties contained within its essential oil, such as its content of rosmarinic acid and carnosic acid.

Begin your day off right and beat fatigue by applying our Energy Essential Oil Blend first thing in the morning; or whenever you feel you need an energy boost. Be sure to dilute essential oils prior to applying them directly onto the skin; it’s best if they don’t end up inside you!