unique crystals online

No matter your reason for adding crystals to your home decor – be it their energy shifting and healing properties or their beauty alone – adding crystals can add some flair and personality. Here are three shops that carry unique crystals for sale.

Make sure you’re buying ethical crystals by inspecting each stone and asking questions of your crystal seller. Be wary of prices that seem too good to be true as this could indicate unethical production practices and could potentially expose yourself to fraudsters.

Shop Ren

No matter your chakra needs, there’s something here for everyone at this unique crystal shop that specializes in creating meaningful relationships and spreading positivity through their products.

Establishing a crystal business requires careful thought. Your first step should be understanding your audience and their needs – for instance, some customers may prefer buying crystals online for spiritual or healing reasons, so providing authenticity certificates will be important. In addition, be mindful of costs involved with setting up storefront.


Etsy crystal shop AURAMORE provides an assortment of one-of-a-kind items. Find everything from pocket-size pebble crystals to enormous king sized ones in this store! They even carry ethically sourced healing crystals as well as bundles of sage, lavender and Palo Santo to help clear away negativity in spiritual cleansing processes.

One drawback of this unique crystal store is their intransparent sourcing practices, making it impossible to ascertain if their products are ethically sourced without contributing to human trauma or environmental destruction. An independent or government entity should create sustainable mining regulations for crystals.

Crystal Age

Believers in the metaphysical properties of crystals claim they can boost energy, heal them, and help manifest goals. According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, crystals may also provide stress relief, reduce anxiety levels, and promote relaxation.

Rock Paradise provides an expansive collection of unique crystals, such as blue kyanite (high vibration stone), amethyst (master healing stone) and black tourmaline (protection stone). Plus they carry tumbled, raw and crystal cluster items!

Purchases made online require more consideration and focus than in-store shopping, but smart shoppers can still find products of high quality with ethical sourcing practices, as well as good karma.

World Incense Store

These magical gifts from this unique crystal store make great presents for anyone seeking to expand their spiritual practice or increase their collection. Choose from crystal bowls, incense and fresh white sage in addition to crystal jewelry and accessories available here. Plus, there is even an online calendar of readers, classes and events!

Are you an expert bargain-hunter? Subscribe to World Incense’s newsletter and you’ll find yourself receiving tantalizing deals and coupons right in your inbox! In case your cart gets abandoned, an email may arrive offering an irresistibly discounted deal in an attempt to bring it back. It’s a great way to reduce those pesky shipping costs!

Mandala Gems

No matter your perspective on energy shifting or not, crystals and gemstones are undeniably beautiful. There are numerous online crystal stores selling such gems and rocks; some even provide crystal healing kits!

Gems can be divided into different categories depending on their clarity, such as inclusion-free, eye-clean or crystals with visible inclusions. Inclusions are small spots or imperfections within a gemstone that could compromise its durability or appearance, so these distinctions help define its overall classification.

Mandala Gems is a Black women/single mom-owned business offering ethically-sourced crystals. Their collection of perfume oils infused with crystals comes from sustainable sources while all other components come from their sustainable suppliers.

Energy Muse

Energy Muse offers a vast selection of unique crystals online for sale, all inspired by meaning, intention and numerology. Their crystals can help improve wellness, wealth, protection, calm, love spirituality as well as new beginnings – they even carry jewelry made out of crystal!

Crystals can be used in several ways: wear them as jewelry, place them throughout your home or use them to meditate with. Most importantly, however, the key is finding one that speaks to you personally.

If you are new to crystals, try one at a time for 10 days and observe how they affect your day, mind, and spirit.