quartz crystals

Quartz crystals are known as balancers and connection stones, often utilized during meditation sessions to link upper and lower planes of consciousness.

Crystals with terminated points (such as clear, amethyst, citrine and smoky quartz) serve to both center and focus energy. Used in electronic devices like radios and timepieces to control frequency of electric impulses.

Healing Properties

Quartz crystals are widely known for their healing powers, from soothing headaches and migraines, improving concentration and memory, alleviating body ache to alleviating multiple pain areas across the body. Quartz is often included as part of crystal healing kits or used during Reiki sessions to cleanse energy pathways and encourage greater guidance.

Quartz can come in various hues and forms. Flint quartz, which features microcrystalline structures with layers, is less common than clear macrocrystalline varieties; it may form nodules or concretionary masses and breaks with an easily identified conchoidal fracture pattern.

Tiger’s Eye, Hawk’s Eye and Cat’s Eye quartz crystals feature chatoyant strips of tiger’s eye, hawk’s eye and actinolite layered over translucent quartz), Agate (banded crystalline quartz in all rainbow colors) and Smoky Quartz (quartzite or cryptocrystalline quartz), known for their strength and grounding properties.

Psychic Protection

Psychological protection is a common need and crystals like black tourmaline, amethyst and quartz crystal can provide much-needed shielding from negative outside influences and psychic attacks or curses.

Another way to ward off negativity and psychic attacks is with a protective crystal grid, created using crystals with known psychic protection properties like black tourmaline and amethyst as well as clear quartz to amplify their effect.

Clear quartz points and generators (crystals with one point on one end) are good ways to set intentions or affirmations statements, focus energy, and amplify it. You could also try clusters containing multiple healing stones or Lemurian Seeds which also cleanse and amplify energy on all levels.

Mood Enhancers

Quartz is an incredible mood enhancer, helping to balance and stabilize emotions and promote feelings of happiness and inner peace. Additionally, quartz can amplify intentions and energy to allow more opportunities to come your way.

Clear quartz is widely believed to aid us in connecting to higher realms of consciousness and spiritual guidance, increasing intuition, and aiding meditation.

Programming crystals with your dreams and intentions is one of the most effective ways to use them. From manifesting wealth, love or health into reality, crystals can support you in making your vision come to fruition.

Mood Stabilizers

Crystals offer an excellent way to balance on an emotional, mental, and physical plane. Clear Quartz can be particularly beneficial for those prone to overemotionality as it helps soothe their minds and bring clarity. Furthermore, Aries zodiac sign sign members could find comfort with this crystal’s powerful energies stabilizing.

Cat’s Eye Quartz is an incredible variety that displays chatoyancy resembling that of cat eyes. These stones can help stimulate left side of the brain while stimulating creativity and improving communication.

Cluster formations consisting of crystals grouped on a common matrix are an excellent way to channel energy and remove blocks. Barnacle Quartz cluster formations feature smaller crystals attached to an Amethyst point for providing feelings of community and family spirit.


As crystals make their way from their source to you, they may absorb various energies along their journey. Therefore, it’s essential that they be cleansed regularly in order to regain their dominant vibrational frequency state and return them back into alignment with nature.

One simple method for doing so is placing them under moonlight, though other approaches such as placing stones onto Selenite wands or inside an Amethyst geode can also work to cleanse and charge them.

One method involves passing your crystal through a smoke of sage or other sacred herbs like Palo Santo. As you pass, imagine all negative energy that had clung to it dissipating with the smoke. Sound healing instruments (singing bowls, tuning forks and bells) may also help cleanse it – or simply burying the quartz itself back in its native soil can work wonders too!